About Narrowboat

NarrowBoat explores hundreds of years of canal and inland waterways history and heritage.

Britain’s canals were at the heart of the Industrial Revolution – their construction made possible the movement of large quantities of raw materials that stoked Britain’s industrialisation and allowed for goods to be moved efficiently to market.

Although large parts of the canal network were infilled and built over as first rail and then road took over their role in transport, much remains and the waterways are now a highly valued leisure resource. We are also left with a rich legacy of waterway history and heritage.

Originally conceived as a quarterly magazine to bring this legacy to life and explore our unique canal history, the digital issues of NarrowBoat have become a fully searchable archive of over 500 articles (including more than 6,500 images) covering over 200 years from the birth of the canals to the 1960s.

NarrowBoat and narrowboatmagazine.com are published by Waterways World Ltd, 151 Station Street, Burton-on-Trent, DE14 1BG

The printed magazine, online digital magazine and the full text online articles are published in March, June, September and December each year.

Take a look at a sample NarrowBoat magazine digital issue in our online page reader – Issue 36: Winter 2014 – by clicking here

Contact Us


Editor: Bobby Cowling, robert.cowling@wwonline.co.uk
Tel: 01283 742954
Address: Narrowboat, 151 Station Street, Burton-on-Trent DE14 1BG

Writing for us
Our notes for contributors can be downloaded here (pdf file)


Tel: 01283 742970 (Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm)


NarrowBoat is published by Waterways World Ltd, 151 Station Street, Burton-on-Trent DE14 1BG
Tel: 01283 742950

Publisher: Peter Johns, admin@wwonline.co.uk