Autumn 2021 - Issue 63
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Front Cover: Even post WW2, local BCN craft, such as this iron day-boat, were part of the long distance traffic of dry goods and fuel oil on the Shropshire Union Canal from Ellesmere Port to Birmingham. All the gear shown, such as the towing mast, shaft, chimney and even the lighted stove, was transferred from one boat to another at journey's end when one vessel was exchanged for the next.
The Autumn 2021 issue includes the following features.
Picturing the Past
Picture Post Canals
Chris M. Jones explores canal coverage in a 1939 issue of Picture Post magazine
You can view an excerpt here.
Historical Profiles
Post-war Shroppie Traffic to the BCN
Chris M. Jones studies a disparate set of documents recording traffic from the Shroppie to the BCN in the late 1940s
You can view an excerpt here.
Canals That Never Were
Edinburgh & Glasgow
Richard Dean provides further detail on schemes to connect Scotland’s two largest cities
You can view an excerpt here.
Picturing the Past
Passing Through Middlewich
Two images from the Jack Parkinson Collection show a pair of British Waterways boats at Middlewich in 1964
This is our free-access sample article from the Autumn 2021 NarrowBoat.
You can view an excerpt here.
A Broader Outlook
Traffic on the Louth Canal
Chris M. Jones explores the cargo-carrying boats that once plied this little-known Lincolnshire waterway
You can view an excerpt here.
Working the Waterways
Women Trainees of World War II
Dr Barbara Hately and Bob Moore, of the University of Sheffield History Department, provide insights on the female volunteers who worked canal boats during WWII
You can view an excerpt here.
From the Archives
Staffs & Worcs in Wartime
Joseph Boughey uncovers details relating to the management of the Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal during World War II
You can view an excerpt here.
Historical Profiles
Canal Company Correspondence
Based on material recently discovered in a toll house, Chris M. Jones provides insights into the management of the Warwick & Napton Canal in the 19th century
You can view an excerpt here.