Winter 2014 - Issue 36
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The Winter 2014 issue includes the following features.
A Broader Outlook
Watts Album
Christopher M Jones through a collection of diverse photographs of mainly widebeam boats from the London area, about which little else is known
You can view an excerpt here.
Famous Fleets
Threefellows Carrying
Alan Faulkner looks at a company set up in 1971 to continue narrowboat carrying after the demise of Willow Wren and Blue Line
You can view an excerpt here.
Picturing the Past
Will King in the Midlands
Another selection of the photographs of T.W. King taken whilst he was working as a toll clerk on the Birmingham Canal Navigations
You can view an excerpt here.
Life Afloat
Sister Mary Ward
Jenny Glynn tells the remarkable story of how a painting of her family with the famous boat people’s nurse at Stoke Bruerne came into her possession
You can view an excerpt here.
Historical Canal Maps
Pickford Perspective
This well-known company once carried extensively on the canals, as shown by an advertising map from around 1825
You can view an excerpt here.
Last Traffic
Clayton's at Oldbury
A selection of photographs taken by Neil Clayton around the end of carrying by this well-known company
You can view an excerpt here.
Traditional Techniques
Raising Monnow
Laurence Hogg recalls raising the last Clayton boat sunk at Oldbury
You can view an excerpt here.
Traditional Techniques
The Grand Union Boat Control System
David Blagrove explains how boats were monitored on the waterways between the Midlands and London
You can view an excerpt here.
Picturing the Past
On a Carousel
A selection of slides discovered in the NarrowBoat office including Blue Line, Clayton's, Barry Lycett and British Waterways
You can view an excerpt here.