Spring 2024 - Issue 73
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Front Cover: Oxford, owned by Samuel Barlow Coal Co Ltd, is depicted here underway with a load of small coal for canalside industrial works on the Grand Union.
The Spring 2024 issue includes the following features.
Historical Profiles
Unusual Cargoes
Chris M. Jones looks at a number of cargoes carried by boat that could be considered unusual or little known
You can view an excerpt here.
Working the Waterways
A Year in the Life of a Canal Engineer
Phil Clayton examines the reports of the Birmingham Canal Navigations’ chief engineer from 1900
You can view an excerpt here.
From the Archives
A Pointer to the Past
Andy Tidy uncovers unusual canal-related photos from the 1950s and finds out more
You can view an excerpt here.
A Broader Outlook
Fossdyke Traffics
Chris M. Jones explores several images illustrating boats and cargoes traversing the Fossdyke Navigation
You can view an excerpt here.
Picturing the Past
The Dearne & Dove Canal in 66
An atmospheric image from the Jack Parkinson collection shows the latter days of carrying on this South Yorkshire navigation
You can view an excerpt here.
Historical Profiles
The Bentley Canal
Andy Tidy traces the history and decline of this short arm of the BCN
You can view an excerpt here.
Last Traffic
Carrying on the River Arun
Chris M. Jones studies two images that illustrate the final decades of traffic on the River Arun
You can view an excerpt here.
Canals That Never Were
Horwich: Canal Town?
Richard Dean looks at how the Lancashire railway town almost became an important canal centre
You can view an excerpt here.