Spring 2006 - Issue 1
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The Spring 2006 issue includes the following features.
Art of the Waterways
Roses Revival
Tony Lewry looks back to explore the origins of today’s canal painting
You can view an excerpt here.
Famous Fleets
Thomas Clayton Ltd
Alan Faulkner commemorates exactly 40 years since one of the canal’s best known companies ceased carrying by water
You can view an excerpt here.
Historical Profiles
Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal
Ian Langford on the Staffs & Worcs Canal - one of our earliest and most complete original narrow canals
You can view an excerpt here.
Canals That Never Were
Watford & St Albans
Richard Dean looks at waterway projects that were left on the drawing board
You can view an excerpt here.
Traditional Techniques
Spoon Dredging
Tom Foxon looks at a primitive method of dredging that lasted into the 1950s
You can view an excerpt here.
Tracing Family History
Consulting Certificates: Tracing birth, death, marriage certificates
Lorna York looks at documents that help you track down your boating ancestors
You can view an excerpt here.
Picturing the Past
Picturing the Past Euan Corrie looks at the Manchester Ship Canal
You can view an excerpt here.
A Broader Outlook
Boats, Barges & Trows: On Upper Severn
Barrie Trinder on the vessels of the Upper Severn Navigation
You can view an excerpt here.