Summer 2011 - Issue 22

The Summer 2011 issue includes the following features. You can purchase this magazine from our online Shop.
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Historical Profiles
Bridgewater Canal
Mike Clarke delves into the navigation that started the Canal Age
View an excerpt.

Famous Fleets
John Harker
Alan Faulkner takes a nostalgic look at the Dale class tanker barges that used to be operated by Harkers of Knottingley
View an excerpt.

Traditional Techniques
David Blagrove explains the mystery of how to open lock gates with your working boat pair
View an excerpt.

Canals That Never Were
Canals to Cannock
Richard Dean traces proposals that would have linked the Cannock Extension Canal through to Rugeley
View an excerpt.

Early Campaigning
Last Boat to Top of the Map
Malcolm Braine looks at the history of the once very busy Cannock Extension Canal and recalls one last cruise along it in 1962
View an excerpt.

Working the Waterways
Sweet Charity
Jim Marshall recalls the work of Joe Gilbert and Jess Owen at Charity Dock, Bedworth, and an incident with the Skinners involving old 'white' £5 notes
View an excerpt.

Picturing the Past
Jim Payler of Blisworth
David Blagrove pays tribute to Jim Payler, who recorded the last years of narrowboat traffic passing Blisworth and Stoke Bruerne
View an excerpt.