H Numbers - or not

Reader's Letters & Queries: NarrowBoat, Summer 2012

To add a little to the debate over the Braunston Strike photographs (Spring 2012 NB), I have copies of at least four of the cards published in the article, but without the numbers on. They are H166, H151, H158 and H155, the last one having black marks where the number was, indicating that it might have subsequently been erased. Also I recall seeing some of these images as glass negatives in a box of Millner’s material in the museum at Stoke Bruerne many years ago. Laurence Hogg, WillenhallThe Editor adds: If you look carefully at H166 in NB, it has H166 backwards in black just to the right to the white ‘H’ number; presumably someone mistakenly scratched the number onto the negative the wrong way round and it was subsequently blacked out.…

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H Numbers - or not  featured image