Polesworth Stool

Reader's Letters & Queries: NarrowBoat, Spring 2011

After giving a talk on canals to a WI group, I have been loaned a stool which had been left in a garage for many years but is in fairly good condition. It had been inherited many years ago from an elderly family member from Polesworth. I was struck by the similarity to the Polesworth ware (Autumn 2010 NB), especially the castle design and the line work as well as the layout and type of flower/roses. I think it may be an apprentice piece from Lees & Atkins. Do other readers agree? Chris R Jones, Tamworth, by email Roger Wickson comments: Rather than an apprentice piece I would hazard a guess that the stool was painted by Isaiah in retirement as it is very similar to the stool that Jes Inglis acquired and which he photographed for my NB article. I think that it may be a companion stool to the one Harry Arnold wrote about. But I must admit this is conjecture.…

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