Altair at Worcester

Reader's Letters & Queries: NarrowBoat, Winter 2010

With reference to the photograph of Altair in the article ‘Polesworth Painting’ (Autumn 2010 NB), this boat was the butty of the British Waterways pair that brought the last coal delivery to the Worcester Royal Porcelain works in 1961. Altair was immaculate and set me an example for decorating my own boat Vesta. Mr Gimson, the managing director, had tried to keep water transport to his works, but uncompetitive pricing and late deliveries brought the trade to an end. Shortly afterwards a fierce fire destroyed the magnificent steamdriven Townsends flour mill. Across the basin the trow Spry was used by boatbuilder Jack Lewis as his workshop but by then was known as the ‘yo-yo boat’ as it regularly sank and had to be pumped up. Max Sinclair, Lower Broadheath, Worcester, by email…

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Altair at Worcester  featured image