Captain Clarke's Bridge

Reader's Letters & Queries: NarrowBoat, Winter 2020

How good to see the reference to Captain Clarke’s Bridge on the Peak Forest Canal (NB Autumn 2020). It brought back happy memories of soothing walks along the canal just down Woodend Lane when I was curate of St George’s Church, Hyde, from 1976 to ’79, which was the start of my enduring love of the canals. Lest it be forgot, I found out that there had been a St George’s Rowing Club based in a clubhouse just to the north-west of the bridge. This was presumably back in the Victorian or Edwardian days. Certainly by the early 1970s the club had ceased to exist and the plot had been sold before I arrived in the parish with there no longer being any sign of the building. Ray Dent by email…

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